JS : What’s `this` about ?

Gagan Ganapathy
The Startup
Published in
4 min readJun 9, 2020

Well, this is precisely about this! So let’s begin! And hopefully by the end of this blog you’ll stop using var that = this; and would have better ways to tackle this problem! 😛

First, let us understand how JavaScript works giving you an abstract idea about the concept of this. JavaScript is run in an environment which is able to compile your source code, it could be a browser or it could be a node.js environment. Each have what we can call a Global Object, which provides us the variables and functions we use in our code.

To differentiate, the global object in a browser environment is the window object, (and global in a node.js environment), so if you just execute

console.log(this) // this === window

In ‘strict mode’:

this is undefined in a function invocation in strict mode. However, using strict mode on a global context is still the window object.

Back to ‘non strict mode’ :

Any variable that you declare this way :

This, gives you an idea of the JavaScript environment, which is in itself a large object exposing all the methods you need!


Changing var to ( let or const ) doesn’t create properties of the window object when declared globally. i.e :

So, basically the idea is this points to the enclosing execution context and in case of functions if this is used within them, it depends on the object instance.

Lets understand this with an example :

Meaning, this is purely based on the execution context of the function. (where as in other programming languages this refers to the current instance of the class. And, so it doesn’t matter where the function is defined in the code but where is it called. (this changes when using arrow functions, you’ll see why)

But, all these examples look pretty straightforward don’t they? So, where exactly is the problem here ?

The problem arises when you use functions like setTimeout or inner/nested functions.

Lets look at an example :

Wait, whaaaaat!? But, isn’t this being used inside the obj object? Then why is this.prop === undefined … hmmm 🤔

Lets, try to debug the problem here!

Case 1: (using setTimeout )

You might be getting a faint idea of what’s exactly happening here, you can see suddenly inside the setTimeout callback this points to something else within the callback function.

this inside the setTimeout callback points to the window object instead of obj object.

But, why is that so and how can we correctly use this in such cases?

Since, we all know setTimeout is not a JavaScript (language) feature but a method exposed by the environment (browser) itself. Meaning you can also invoke setTimeout as window.setTimeout(callback, time), thereby meaning our callback function is called in the execution context of the global environment (window).

Case 2: (Using inner/nested functions)

What does “no explicit this set” mean ?

When you call a function obj.f() this is set to obj as we explicitly set the execution context of function f() to be obj . But, when you call a function by itself such as f() there is no execution context being set so JavaScript defaults it to the window object (in the browser).

How do we make sure to get the required behavior in such cases ?

To make this have a desired value, we need modify the inner function’s context with indirect invocation using call() or apply() or create a bound function using bind() or use the fat arrow syntax introduced in ES6.

  1. Using bind() :

Here, bind(this) will bind the execution context to this which is obj itself, meaning the function inner bound to the obj and will be called in the context of obj .


Using bind() will create a permanent context link, meaning once a function is bound to a give context using bind() it cannot be re-bound or calling indrectly using the methods call() or apply() , doing that won’t show any effect.

Learn more about bind()

2. Using call() :

Here, call(this) will call the function inner() in the context of this which is passed in the arguments, thereby giving us the desired behavior.

Learn more about call()

call() and apply() are fairly similar, apply() takes arguments for the calling function in the form of an array. Learn more about apply().

3. Using fat arrow syntax:

We can make use of the fact that arrow functions which don’t provide their own this binding (it retains the this value of the enclosing lexical context).

We can see how, the arrow function usesthis from the enclosing scope, which is perfect when using in callbacks or looping when trying to maintain the outer context.

Great! You made it to the end of this blog! Hope this blog helped you get a clear idea of how this in JavaScript works! 🎉

And, let me know in the comments if you find anything incorrect or if there is anything you’d like to add! Cheers! 🍻

