Just How Toxic has the Internet Become?

Jessica Kent
The Startup
Published in
4 min readDec 21, 2020


When I began creating content on Youtube in 2018, I was well aware that I would be met with harsh criticism, after all, I am discussing prison, addiction and mental health. These topics are becoming less taboo, however, the haters online did not receive that memo.

As a content creator, I care deeply about what I do and how my subscribers feel about the content I put out. I want to hear from them, engage with them and understand how to better help within my niche as well. This can be very heavy and time consuming.

My channel currently sits at about 350,000 subscribers with an average of 1 million views per month. If I spent my entire day, just reading comments I would in no way be able to get to them all. Which in turn makes me feel awful because everyone deserves the same time and attention from me.

I was once told by a creator whom I respect dearly, to never read the comments. That advice is common among content creators, however, I wanted to create something different. I wanted to have a relationship with my subscribers, get to know them, understand their struggles and hear what they had to say. Over time this has become increasingly difficult.

One thing has always remained the same. The amount of negatively I receive daily. For me personally, I believe the good far out weighs the bad, however…

