JWT (JSON Web Tokens) User Authentication in Next.js Web Application

A Practical Guide for JWT (JSON Web Tokens) Authentication in Next.js Application.

Code Road
The Startup


Some random feature image for this post: JWT (JSON Web Tokens) User Authentication in Next.js Web Application
Photo by Moritz Schmidt on Unsplash

JWT (JSON Web Tokens) implement information with encoded token between client and server. JWT can be use in any programming language platform for many developers in their projects. Visit this website to view a better understanding of JWT tokens.

JWT (JSON Web Tokens) logo.

JSON Web Tokens are an open, industry standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties. — https://jwt.io/

Simple flow of JWT
Simple flow of JWT

Next.js feature has an awesome API that can allow you to use request and response within client and server communication. Below is the example of request and response in ./pages/api/hello.js from a default Next.js project template.

export default (req, res) => {
res.statusCode = 200
res.json({ name: 'John Doe' })


1. Next.js



Code Road
The Startup

I write topics such as React/NextJS, Vue/NuxtJS, GraphQL, Laravel, TailwindCSS, Bootstrap, SEO, Headless CMS, Fullstack, and web development.