Keep Your Kids Out of Your Zoom Meetings With This Automation Trick

It’s amazing how much a simple indicator can change the relationship with your kids while you’re working from home

Ryan Gross
The Startup


Red Light means mommy / daddy is in a meeting, better be quiet and leave the door closed.

Kids Barging into your Zoom Meetings?

It’s a problem that everyone has had to contend with throughout the Pandemic: you’re making the big pitch in a Zoom meeting, and your daughter or son comes bursting through the door to run up, give you a big hug, and tell you that they love you (or that they need you to get the milk down, or that their sister is mean). This throws you completely off of your game as you shoo them out of the room, and it takes 5 minutes to regain your composure. It’s been nearly a year that we’ve all had to adjust to this blurring of work and home life, and it’s getting exhausting.

Something that would happen about 3 times a day before I implemented this solution

Obviously, you can solve the running in problem with a locks on your door (I got to thinking about alternative solutions because the doors in my new office don’t lock). However, locks do not let your kids know if you’re in a meeting or not, and there’s times where you’ve been banging your head against a…



Ryan Gross
The Startup

Emerging Tech & Data Leader at Credera | Interested in how people & machines learn, and how to bring them together.