Kotlin Coroutines in Android — Suspending Functions

The power of Suspending Functions and how to implement it to your projects.

Evan Fang
The Startup


Pictures from Google I/O`19

Before we start, I strongly recommend you watch the introduction of Coroutines Suspending Functions in Google I/O`19.

They use great images and animations that could help you to know how the Suspending Function works.

In the previous post, we learn about the basic concepts of Kotlin Coroutines.
Please read it if you still have no idea what is Kotlin Coroutines.

I only explained that Suspending Functions allow us to suspend and wait until the function resumes. We didn’t go deeper since there is much to say for it and it worth another post. So today, we’ll introduce how to use Suspending Functions in detail.



Evan Fang
The Startup

An Android/Flutter engineer at LINE Corporation.