Learn Kubernetes External Storage Provisioner by Looking at How Local Path Provisioner Works

Mohamad Fadhil
The Startup
Published in
7 min readJan 6, 2020


Photo by Patrick Lindenberg on Unsplash

For the past month, I’ve been researching for bare metal k8s distribution to use at our company. I’ve been using Rancher’s k3s, lightweight Kubernetes distribution, and I find it very light and convenient to setup. Together with a bunch of built-in tools bundled with k3s, I like its super cool storage provisioner the most. Thank you, Rancher, you guys rocks.

What we’ll learn here

  • What it takes to provision a PV in Kubernetes dynamically
  • What is Rancher’s Local Path Provisioner
  • How to use Rancher’s Local Path Provisioner
  • How dynamic storage external-provisioner works

Frankly speaking, I find it a bit hard for commoners like me to get more information about this kind of stuff unless I work on the Kubernetes project itself or storage-related system company. Otherwise, I have to make extra effort to examine Open-Source projects like this by myself. I am sharing this to help people like me to…

