Learn To Enjoy Reading If You Want To Be Great

Discover who you are through written words first…

Mathias Barra
The Startup


I’ve started reading again almost a year ago and it has brought a light on how much information available is out there for us.

For years, watching videos was my main activity to learn new things and I would scroll through YouTube like a maniac to find whatever I wanted.

And yet, all this time spent on watching YouTube feels like it never got even close to how useful reading books is.

So here’s my take on the reasons why reading is more crucial than ever. They may seem obvious to you looking at the titles, but they’ll bring a whole lot more if you combined them properly.

Learn to focus

If you’re going to read, I suppose you don’t plan on reading one paragraph over and over. If you want to, fine. But then you might as well go back to YouTube videos.

Reading means paying attention to the text.

While it’s — not optimal but — possible to listen to a video in the background while doing something else instead of staying concentrated on it, reading doesn’t offer that kind of flexibility.

If you want to read, you’re going to have to learn to put your phone away, close yourself to



Mathias Barra
The Startup

French polyglot speaking 6 languages. Writer. Helping you learn languages. Get my new ebook → https://linktr.ee/MathiasBarra