Learn to Study Smarter!

Lindsay Bowling, LPC
The Startup
Published in
6 min readDec 15, 2019


Studying sucks, here are some tips to make it easier

Photo by Mikael Kristenson on Unsplash

Studying for exams can be exhausting, daunting, and frustrating-Especially if you spend significantly more time studying than your peers and yet, your efforts never seem to pay off. After a while, it can start to feel like everyone else is running on a track while you are running in place on a treadmill. This disheartening situation may be a sign that your study strategies need some tweaking. A poor grade on an exam may not necessarily mean that you need to study harder for the next exam…It may just mean that you need to use different strategies to study smarter.

In this article, I will share seven study hacks to help you study smarter!

7 Effective Studying Hacks

Hack 1: Start Prepping Early

  • Cramming seems like a good idea in theory, but, in practice, it is not a good study strategy for several reasons. One, you put a lot more pressure on yourself when you force yourself to learn and remember the material in a short period. Two, studying last-minute often means that you will not have the opportunity to clarify the content with a teacher. Third…



Lindsay Bowling, LPC
The Startup

Mental Health Counselor, Substance Abuse Counselor, Wellness Instructor, Digestive Illness Advocate & The Human Half of a Therapy Dog Team