Learning to Love TDD

Rachel Lum
The Startup
Published in
5 min readJul 8, 2019


Red, Green, Refactor

What if I told you there was a way to significantly reduce potential bugs in production code? Undoubtedly, most programmers would not hesitate to jump on this opportunity no matter the cost. As many programmers know, it can be quite the unpleasant experience for a user to encounter a bug, and for the development team to attempt to recreate the bug and fix it in production as quickly as possible.

Well lucky for us, there is a solution, but it is no magic pill. It is…

Test Driven Development (TDD)


Test Driven Development, or TDD, is a software engineering practice of writing unit tests before writing the production code. The mission of TDD is to provide structure to the coding process and as a result, write cleaner, more purposeful code. This practice stems from the Extreme Programming (XP) method emerging from the Manifesto for Agile Software Development.

“[A] set of values based on trust and respect for each other and promoting organizational models based on people, collaboration, and building the types of organizational communities in…



Rachel Lum
The Startup

Full stack web developer with passions for dance, fitness, health, math, communication, and technology.