Learnings From Launching My First Course on Udemy

Michal Juhás
The Startup
Published in
8 min readDec 4, 2016

I like getting my hands dirty with some hands-on experiments. Creating a course on Udemy was one of them.

It was a great experience and I’m happy to share my learnings to help you create your first course, too.

Udemy course: Practice advanced SQL queries with MySQL 5.7+ (2016)


  • It only took me 40 hours to create the course with rating 4.9/5.
  • My total earnings so far is 2,220 USD — detailed info at the end.
  • The best month was November 2016 which generated 880 USD earnings for me.
Net earnings: $2,220. Course rating: 4.90 / 5

TL;DR Learnings

  1. A great course (rating 4.9) can be created quickly — within 40 hours of work.
  2. It’s desirable to offer the course for free for the first 2,000 students. The course gets ratings and the number of students is visible — which gives lots of credibility.
  3. Only 0.5% of all my students have finished 100% of the course lectures.
  4. Only 1.6% of students have finished at least 50% of the lectures. That’s sad!
  5. The usual conversion from website visit to purchase is 5%. During the special November promotion (70% off) the conversion increased to 10%.
  6. Nobody from my email list (1k+) purchased the course, quite surprising. It seems to be better to offer the course to friends for free and ask them for good rating.
  7. Make sure to clap at the beginning of each recording.
  8. Search Engine Optimisation matters on Udemy, too. My course started on 4th page and now is on 1st position on 1st page for the target keyword.
  9. Nobody has shared the course on Twitter. 0% out of 2,500 students.
  10. The lecturer’s revenue is only a very small fraction of the course price.
  11. Here in Bangkok, it’s quite difficult to get a room silent enough for recordings. An office rent for one day was my solution.
  12. A course will never be perfect. It’s better to set a time limit and then release whatever you have created. Cut lectures. Cut corners. Release.

📚 If you’d like to know details, keep reading.

Creating A New Course

When I was preparing the course outline, I defined quite a lot of interesting topics which I wanted to include. As I was preparing the lectures, I saw it all takes more time than expected, so I cut those lectures. The course gets great rating even without them, nobody noticed something’s “missing” :-)


For a technical course you’ll need to create the following content to attach to the lectures:

  • Video & Audio (screencast + headshot with voiceover)
  • Slides (used Google Presentation)
  • Example code (saved to Markdown files and exported them to PDFs)
  • Additional reading resources for the students (hand-outs from documentation)
Most of the lectures (i.e. S02-L02) have 3 files attached: slides, SQL and working file. GitHub repository. https://github.com/michaljuhas/SQL-training-advanced

Take-aways & recommendations

  • The course will never be perfect, better to release what you have and get first feedback from users.
  • Time management & planning is important. I was waking up at 4am to get the lectures done before my kids wake up at 7am.
  • Set a goal to spend less than 40 hours and then release.
  • I’ve learnt about the microphone types (dynamic vs. condenser), eventually bought Blue Yeti.
  • I’ve tried a few screencasting tools, purchased Camtasia 2. There’s a 50% discount for Udemy instructors — google it.
  • Add lecture prefixes, i.e. S01-L01 (=Session 01, Lecture 01), it will help you organize the lectures.
  • Enable previews of several lectures so that visitors get more confidence (make sure the content is great for these!).
Lecture prefixes. Previews enabled.


If you record a screencast, I highly recommend to include your headshot, too. It makes the learning experience much more personal.

It takes some additional effort to record both videos and synchronize them, but it’s worth.

Screencast with headshot makes the lecture more personal and engaging.

💥 Pro-tip: Split each lecture to a separate recording and say: “[CLAP CLAP] S02 L01 3:45pm [wait 5 seconds] Hi everyone and welcome to session 2, lesson 1.”

  • The [CLAP CLAP] will generate 2 spikes in your audio preview which you’ll visually see and you’ll be able to sync the 2 videos (screencast & headshot) — make sure the clapping will be visible on the headshot.
  • Don’t forget to say the time, not only the S02-L01. You may need to record the same lecture multiple times and the sync will be easier.

Take-aways & recommendations

  • Book a room in co-working space for 1 day to record everything.
  • Make sure to clap at the beginning of each recording.
  • Try to record everything in one day to have the same recording conditions & setup.

Video Recording Setup

I booked a silent room for one day in a co-working space and set up my recording studio:

  • Two HD cameras — one is enough, the other is a backup.
  • Microphone Blue Yeti.
  • Headset Jabra with orange cable — yes, orange is my fav color!
  • Pop filter — the cheapest I could find.
  • Laptop — Mac seems to be a standard for video recording… #sexy
  • Screencasting software Camtasia 2.
  • Pen & paper for lecture notes (laptop screen is recorded, so you need additional notes).
  • Coffee, tea & water — yes, it will be a long day!
  • 2–3 flowers 🌼 to cheer you up 🙂

Course Promotion

I offered the course for free for the first 10 days. About 2,000 students signed up and boosted the good rating.

After it reached 2,000 students, I sent an email with 33% discount coupon to a segment of my email list. Unfortunately, nobody has purchased using this coupon :-/

Email to around 1,000 email subscribers didn’t bring any sales. You can see the full email content here.

Take-aways & recommendations

  • Offer the course for free at the beginning.
  • Find 10 Facebook groups which promote free courses and post there during your launch day (just google it).
  • Ask your friends to submit good rating.

Search Optimization

There’s more than 200 courses with the “sql” keyword. I chose 2 keywords to focus on:

  • sql advanced (1st position as of writing)
  • mysql sql (2nd position as of writing)

Take-aways & recommendations

  • Pick a few target keywords and experiment every 3–4 days with course description & lecture titles.
Great! The 1st position in search results for : sql advanced and 2nd position for mysql sql


You can set the course either to be free or set price from $20 to $200.

Keep in mind that you as a lecturer will only get a fraction of this target selling price.

How Udemy Pricing Works?

  • Instructor’s own promotion — the instructor gets 97% of the sales.
  • Udemy organic sale — 50% revenue share.
  • Affiliates traffic — only 25% of the revenue goes to the instructor.

Read more about the Udemy Instructor Revenue Share.

Big spike of revenue in November. Udemy was pushing big sale — 70% off.

UPDATE: Jan 11, 2017

  • December was a good month thanks to the Christmas promo — $521
  • On January, Udemy introduced NY’s promo 😃 and yields to $343 so far. Feels like this will be a good month, too!


If you have an audience to promote your course to, you can create a discount coupon and send it to your email list, or share to FB/TW/LN fans.

68% off? Really?!

Udemy can anytime decide to offer your course with a discount. In November 2016, they even offered the course with 68% discount.

Even though you as the instructor don’t like your course to be offered with such a huge discount, there’s nothing you can do about.

In an incognito tab I can see they give 68% discount to new visitors. Ridiculous.

Featured Courses

There’s one thing I haven’t figured out yet: how to get to be featured? I believe it would boost the sales significantly.

If anyone knows, please let me know! :)

Communication To Students

Udemy allows to set these automatic messages to students:

  • Welcome message to the new students
  • Congratulations message to those who finish the course
  • Promotional announcement to all students or segments (2 per month)
  • Educational announcement to all students or segments (4 per month)

The promotional announcements are great if you have more courses, i.e. one free and one paid. I only have one course, there’s nothing to cross-promote, so I haven’t used this feature yet.

The automated messages: a) welcome message and b) congratulations message.

Take-aways & recommendations

  • Make it clear that it’s an automated welcome message. People are not stupid.
  • No need to ask students to share on Twitter — nobody did it so far.
  • Make sure to ask students for good reviews.
  • Consider creating one free course to get leads and another paid. Send promotional announcements to the students in the free course.

Course website conversion

I have installed Google Analytics on the Udemy course landing page. The traffic is pretty much stable, around 200 visitors per day.

Usually about 5% of the visitors purchase the course. During the special promotion in November, the conversion was 9–10%.

Sadly, 10 sales don’t mean $500 revenue for the instructor. With the huge discounts (up to 70%), affiliate revenue share (instructor gets only 25%) and refunds, we’re talking about $10 net revenue per day. Not much though.

Special promotion in November — all courses for $15 — increased the traffic significantly.
During the special promotion in November, lots of students purchased the course.

A Wonderful Learning Experience

Creating my first course has been a massive learning experience & fun. And the little passive income is fine, too! 😃

I hope this post inspired you to step out of your comfort zone and experiment with new courses. Let me know in comments, OK? 👀

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Michal Juhás
The Startup

Helping companies to upskill their developers and tech leaders » https://michaljuhas.com