Less Really Is More

Tom Stevenson
The Startup
Published in
5 min readDec 13, 2018


Modern life has made us crave more of everything.

Whether it’s more TV shows, more gadgets or more clothes, we are constantly bombarded with messages that tell us what we have is not enough.

We may have a two-year-old gadget, but now that there is a new one on the market, we are told it is a necessity.

This is how companies make a profit of course. They create urgency when there is no real urgency to own any of this stuff.

We could easily manage with our old phones and cars for a few more years, but that is not the message relayed to us through advertising.

The problem with all this constant advertising is that, if you’re not careful, it slowly sinks in.

You start to wonder, do I actually need a new phone? Maybe I do need another dress?

The modern economy is geared towards consumerism. We are encouraged to buy at every turn.

But, how much of the things we buy do we truly need? We managed without them before, so why can’t we manage without them in the future?

While our gadgets and possessions can make our lives better, they also create problems.

Is it better to forgo this and make do with less?

More, More, More!

