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Let’s Look At Typefaces And Brand Identity

How To Choose The Right Typeface For Your Brand

Todd Hagler
The Startup
Published in
6 min readMar 24, 2018


Typography done well is incredibly powerful. You should have some knowledge of typefaces and typography when discussing your options with designers. The typefaces you choose will convey both message and feeling to your viewer, so it is important to choose wisely.

“Words have meaning. Type has spirit. The combination is spectacular.”Paula Scher

There is a lot to think about, but don’t get intimidated. Read on for some basics about type, what to look for when selecting and combining type families, and where different types work best.

The Four Basic Kinds of Typefaces

  • San Serifs do not have any embellishment on the ends of letterforms.
  • Serifs are named for the little feet at the end of the strokes in a letterform.
  • Slab Serifs have thick, blocky serifs.
  • Script typefaces mimic cursive handwriting and can be formal or casual.

It’s Important To…



Todd Hagler
The Startup

Strategic Marketer, Designer and Content Creator | Contributor to The Startup & Marketing And Growth Hacking