Liechtenstein Blockchain Act: How can nearly any right and therefore any asset be tokenized based on the Token Container Model?

Jonas Gross
The Startup
Published in
11 min readOct 7, 2019


Authors: Philipp Sandner, Thomas Nägele, Jonas Gross

In January 2020, new blockchain laws will come into force in Liechtenstein. Based on these laws, companies and entrepreneurs can tokenize any right and therefore also any asset in a straightforward way. Then, complex workarounds or far-fetched interpretations of decade-old paragraphs are not needed anymore. This will provide legal certainty and inevitably lead to the emergence of the token economy. Standardized processes and registered service providers for tokenization will be emerging in Liechtenstein. This will significantly reduce the time and cost needed for tokenization processes. Ultimately, hundreds if not thousands of tokens can be expected to be issued in Liechtenstein in 2020. What exactly will be tokenized? Almost everything.

The Liechtenstein Blockchain Act

Liechtenstein did it! In the beginning of October 2019, the second hearing of the Liechtenstein Parliament on the new Liechtenstein Blockchain Act took place. No significant issues arose during this hearing. The result is that the Liechtenstein Blockchain Act will come into force in January 2020 and allows straightforward tokenization of all



Jonas Gross
The Startup

Jonas Gross is Chairman of the Digital Euro Association (DEA) and COO at etonec. Further, Jonas holds a PhD in Economics.