Life Lessons Learned from Watching Little League Baseball Games

And what kids can teach us about how to live the good life

Chris Schatz Ed.D
The Startup


I’ve spent a lot of time at the Little League baseball diamonds this summer…a lot. Since late-April I’ve spent countless hours parked in my camping chair on the sidelines watching my two boys play game after game. By my estimation, I’ve eaten approximately 472 concession stand hamburgers, a metric ton of French-fries, and snagged roughly 5 foul balls (sadly though, I had to give my hard-fought souvenirs back — it seems our local league doesn’t have an endless budget to replace all those baseballs).

Watching a youth baseball game is a great way to spend an evening (except for those frigid Wisconsin May nights where the temperature dipped to a ridiculous 41 degrees), and after watching a full season of youth baseball I’ve come to learn a few life lessons from these kids that we adults can apply to our own lives.

Slow down and enjoy it

Little League games only go 7 innings, but the actual time fluctuated greatly. Some games would drag on and become 2.5-hour marathons, others flew by in 90 minutes — you never know. This is the same with life, you never how long it’s gonna last. Some of us die young at 25, others live until they’re 90.



Chris Schatz Ed.D
The Startup

Just a guy who is motivated to share my experiences and help others. Husband. Father. Educator.