Life’s Astonishing When You Stop Struggling — Just “Be”

We Get So Caught Up In Striving, We Forget To Live

Elle Fredine
The Startup



I want to be there — on that beach, soaking in the glorious scene. Just gazing at the photo, you can feel the tranquility seeping into your soul. Your fingers unclench, your shoulders relax a bit…

You can almost hear the pulse of those peaceful waves caressing the sand, whispering little, salty secrets to the sea birds as they weave and bob over tiny pebbles along the shore.

For some of you, a forest lake or mountain vista would be your “happy place.” Perhaps a gentle stream? Mine’s the ocean. Oh, well. You can take the girl from the coast, but you’ll never get all the sand out of her shoes.

But as I imagine the wet sand under my feet and a soft breeze ruffling the dune grasses, I hear the faint strains of music — “Let it be, let it be, oh, let it be… whisper words of wisdom, ‘Let it be’…”

We get so busy. So caught up in our goals and our struggles — and who says life always has to be a struggle to ‘find our dreams’ or reach another goal we’ve set for ourselves?

Just for a few moments, stop. Breathe. Look, really look at what’s around you. Look at your life and see what is good in it. Even if it’s the tiniest thing. Or the absence of a…



Elle Fredine
The Startup

West-Coaster, born and bred; Weekly Tales in fiction, dark/horror/fantasy, poetry, humor, feminism, writing, relationships, and love