Live Like a Warrior, Die like a Legend

How living in awareness of death brings out your inner greatness

Dr Ibrahim Kurdieh
The Startup


Photo by Nghia Le on Unsplash

A warrior is someone who lives in the right relationship with death. Doing so lights a fire in the heart that fuels a passionate and conscious life.

For most of us, death is a boogie man that we try to forget. Since death is both inevitable and terrifying, there seems to be no sense in thinking about it. Worrying about death is as senseless as worrying about the color of your eyes, right?

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Death is the ultimate teacher. And it’s student becomes a warrior.

Death is the great stalker and the eternal hunter. It’s coming after all of us. And at any moment…BAM…it can strike and everything will be over in an instant. Only a warrior will be truly ready.

In the face of your inevitable death, you can do one of two things:

  1. Do what most people do: hide from death, avoid it, don’t think about it, deny it, and ignore it. You can tell yourself that you’re not really worried about it. It’s not that big of a deal. If you have a serious illness or lose a loved one, then you can deal with death only for as long as you have to. Once you feel better, then you can forget about it again. This is the…



Dr Ibrahim Kurdieh
The Startup

Life coach, psychologist, and philosopher. Self-transformation through knowledge and action. You can find me on