Local SEO: 5 Essential Components

Don Sturgill
The Startup
Published in
6 min readDec 23, 2017


Cartoon by Andrew Grossman — From 123rf.com

There’s no reason for a local company to NOT get found high in organic search. Those who aren’t ranking aren’t taking the necessary steps. Notice I didn’t say they aren’t trying to rank or they aren’t paying an agency to take care of their SEO … I said, “They aren’t taking the necessary steps.”

That leads us to this: What are the necessary bases a business must cover to get found online?

Great question. I’m glad you asked.

Here’s why I’m qualified to answer that question: I’ve been working exclusively with small businesses to help them get organic rank (versus paying Google or Bing for pay-per-click ads) for over four years now — ever since I decided I couldn’t hang on any longer at my soul-sucking corporate SEO copywriter job.

Since May 10, 2013, I’ve been on a mission to help the little guys succeed at getting more business and finding ways to effectively compete in an often cut-throat marketplace. I’ve a heart for entrepreneurs.

Let’s get right into it. Do these five things, if you want your business to boom.

The Necessary Components of Local SEO

  1. Avoid SEO charlatans as if they have scabies: And they may. The first thing I tell my clients is to hang up when someone calls them or emails them, promising to…

