Lockdown Fatigue: How To Reframe and Overcome Your Lethargy

A guide to understanding and moving through the mental workload of quarantine.

Karen Nimmo
The Startup
Published in
4 min readApr 14, 2020


“I’m tired, not like sleepy tired, just tired of everything.” — Unknown

You know you should use this time well.

Enrol in an online study course, learn a new skill, explore your options, plan for your (somewhat uncertain) future — and chase other worthy pursuits.

But you can’t find the motivation. Everything’s a struggle. You’re exhausted, even though you’re spending more time in bed. It feels like you have a massive case of procrastination going on.

High chances are you’re struggling with lockdown fatigue —the inevitable psychological fallout of Covid-19 and all it has brought with it. It’s the reason so many people are feeling exhausted, irritable, drained of energy and motivation — when they’re doing less than ever.

Lockdown fatigue is probably most keenly felt around the (perceived) midway point of quarantine — the point at which we’ve got used to life-in-lockdown but are losing morale in the face of ongoing uncertainty. When will this end? What will it look like when it does? And what’s even the point?



Karen Nimmo
The Startup

Clinical psychologist, author of 4 books. Editor of On the Couch: Practical psychology for health and happiness. karen@onthecouch.co.nz