Log Structured Merge Trees
LSM tree is at the heart of most storage systems that provide high write throughput, be it a key-value storage like dynamodb/cassandra or a messaging system like pulsar which is backed by bookkeeper.
The various components of a typical LSM backed system are shown below.
The main reason why LSM provides high write throughput is that every write request is actually performed only “in-memory” in contrast to traditional B-Tree based implementation where the updates are done to disk which can trigger an update to an index making it very expensive.
So the obvious question is, how does LSM achieve durability? that’s where WAL comes into the picture.
WAL is a write-ahead log that is used to provide the durability of data during system failures, what it means is that when a request for write comes in, the data is first added to a WAL file (sometimes called journal) and flushed to the disk (using direct io) before updating the in-memory data structure.
This allows for systems to recover from the WAL if it crashes before persisting the in-memory data structure to disk.
Why not directly update the write to the disk instead of updating WAL? it’s because WAL updates are cheaper as it’s append-only and doesn’t require any restructuring of data on disk.