Low Price is Never Your Startup’s USP

In fact, it will Kill Your Startup.

Vishal Kataria
The Startup


About a year ago, I was negotiating a content writing project with a client. I had worked with them before and presented good results.

I proposed a fee. The client instantly responded with a single-line email — “This is too expensive.”

The earlier me would’ve halved his fees instantly. He would reason that something was better than nothing.

Here’s how events would unfold: The client would accept. I would begin working ‘for’ them. And then, 3 things would follow:

  1. I would start feeling the pinch of giving good services for dirt cheap.
  2. Clients would lose respect for me because I slashed my fees by 50 percent.
  3. Clients would expect services of the quality of a Mercedes-Benz while paying for a Kia. If I declined, they’d turn sour. So I would continue giving in to their whims and feeling crappy.

For 2 years, this cycle continued. Until I finally learned my lesson — value over price, always.

So here’s what I did with the client who said that my fees were too expensive.

I showcased how my content would benefit them. They could repurpose it, get backlinks using outreach techniques that worked for me and…



Vishal Kataria
The Startup

I write to teach myself and hit “Publish” when I think it might help you.