Quantum Computing

Making a Quantum Computer at Home

Why does it look like that??

Okezue Bell
The Startup


After taking a deep dive into quantum computing from a, well, computational perspective, I started to see how essential, and innovative the refridgeration hardware of the systems are. After doing more research, I thought I’d share some of the information I learned in a simple, and comprehensive manner!

So you may have seen a quantum computer look like this,

or maybe it looked a tiny bit different. Like this:

Even though these computers are mare from different companies (Rigetti and IBM [Quantum Division]), they essentially have that same twisted and bronze-copper-red-white/gray color scheme. If you think you’ve seen a quantum computer, its probably for 1 or 4 reasons:

←You saw D-wave’s commercial quantum computer (holds a normal-looking quantum computer)

  • You’re making a completely different one yourself 🤩
  • That wasn’t a quantum computer that you saw

If you haven’t ever heard or seen a quantum computer before, you’re probably think, “what is that ugly thing” or you took a good look at whatever you’re reading this article on, and compared it to that hunk of a computer.

Well, I’m here to tell you to not to hate on the hardware.

  1. It’s actually nice looking in my opinion
  2. It’s extremely important to allowing quantum computers to function
  3. So let’s go over the hardware by pretending we’re going to make one

For those of you who want a refresher, or are new to this topic,

Quantum computing = performing calculations based on the probability of an object’s state before it is measured — instead of just 1s or 0s. A single state — such as on or off, up or down, 1 or 0 — is called a bit, while a superposition state, 1 and 0 at the same time, or neither, is a quantum bit (qubit), which quantum computers use.

Essentially, quantum computers are devices that leverage how particles and information acts on a quantum, or really small scale. If you’re still a little confused, or want some more clarification, be sure to check out my article on the basics below ↓ !

Building a Quantum Computer 🧱

So before we build a quantum computer, lets define some essentials:

  • Software is a digital instruction manual for quantum computers to follow — everything digital for the computer
  • Hardware is the form factor and engineering material required to execute the software — anything physical on the computer
  • Firmware is their coalescence, being the thing that makes them interact — software that makes hardware work

So let’s take a look.

Quantum computers have now taken on new names thanks to their appearances, like “steampunk chandelier” or “twisters”. The extremely complex circuitry is commonly a product of the quantum computing methods that are being used.

Yes, some quantum computers compute differently than others.

In fact, many different types of quantum computing, like linear optical quantum computing, or adiabatic quantum computing primarily deal with the way quantum information is processed, which can be a software paradigm, where we change how the quantum computer “thinks”, but it is typically coupled with a physical processing change in the hardware.

So let’s take an even closer look.

Different companies refer to the same parts in different ways or have new parts, so its important that we know which part correlates to which, so that we don’t get confused by the semantic piece of quantum engineering.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗹

This part is called the shell. It’s essentially a thermal regulator that keeps everything 🥶. When a quantum computer begins to function, 5 of these deploy, sealing the device in an extremely cold vacuum, kind of like space… except its colder.

Quantum computers operate at absolute 0, or 0 Kelvin/-273 ℃ because qubits are extremely sensitive. Even though before, I mentioned that qubits in that coherent superposition state, they can become decoherent and collapse into a defined, or classical value, the moment they are observed. That doesn’t literally mean looked at, but rather interfered with. This process is physically induced typically by some sort of field, like a magnetic field, but heat can cause this as well, which is difficult to control. Temperatures slightly above absolute zero can be affected by heat or vibrations and are no longer quantum, making them computationally inviable.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝗦𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗺

The colored part of the quantum computer are commonly referred to as the nerves.

  • Now, new quantum computing systems are becoming photonic, as they’ve recently been yielding higher benchmarks
  • The nerves in our bodies help to interpret stimuli, and tell the rest of our body how to respond
  • Well, the nerves of the quantum computer do the same thing: they transport photons through their cables, which serve as signals for the control and measurement plane to tell the quantum data plane how to do different operations on qubits
  • This helps information to flow for different programs

What the control and measurement plane is a layer of hardware that informs the operations and different measurements of state of qubits, while the quantum data plane is the hardware processing layer that houses the qubits themselves, and offers support circuitry for the qubits to physically function when being used actively as units of information.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝗸𝗲𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗼𝗻 𝗙𝗿𝗶𝗱𝗴𝗲

The skeleton fridge is where it gets fun! The skeleton itself (gold) holds the fridges (everything between the gold) in place so that they can decrease in temperature.

  • The farther down you go, the cooler it gets; the final fridge is the coldest
  • So technically, quantum computers don’t yet get to absolute zero, but very close to it, like 1/600 K or 1/900 K
  • The way they do this is by using liquified helium to cool down the chip
  • Instead of liquid nitrogen, liquid helium is used, which has an even lower boiling point. Because the helium bonds are soooo weak , its super cold

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁

This is the mixing chamber, cryoperm shield, and input microwave lines

Mixing Chamber

  • Below the input microwave lines, and below the 100 milliKelvin skeleton marker
  • Beyond the skeleton, this structure helps with heat diffusion to allow the qubits (held in place) to function
  • Essentially, helium isotopes (different # of neutrons) are separate and then vaporized, which diffuses, or releases any heat
  • At the top of this diagram, we see a large pole surrounded by circuitry. Essentially, this structure helps with attenuation, or the reduction of force applied (to a qubit)
  • This is necessary because qubits are cold, but still sensitive, and thermal noise, or an interference caused by particle kinetic energy — this system operates above the first skeleton, at about 800 milliKelvin
  • Finally, the cryoperm shield below the 15 milliKelvin marker is what holds the brain, or the quantum processor. This cold shield completely blocks electromagnetic radiation

Here’s the coolest part: the CPU of the quantum computer; the QPU (quantum processing unit)

  • As we already know, its operating at about 0 Kelvin (15/1000 K or a little bit lower to be exact)
  • Right now, QPUs are based in qubit systems running on quantum computers called quantum logic gates, thus organizing quantum computing similar to classical computation, and quantum circuits in which the gates are organized sequentially
  • The QPU runs all of the necessary computational components -with the help of the hardware- to solve problems!

This is what a QPU looks like. Quantum computers may be very complex, but the actual processors look so elegant, right? Totally different from the thin white and green processors we see from companies like Intel, or the sleek black ones from Apple!

Well that’s because its made of copper layered with gold, and the brain-chip is embedded inside, which is made of silicon. The reason why so many systems are made of highly conductive metals is because our current quantum models are superconducting, meaning that they run on high and efficient transfer of energy, meaning very little electrical resistance, and emissions of total magnetic fields, or magnetic flux fields, without releasing any energy like heat or sound.

TL;DR Diagram

To be honest, you should read it! But if you’re in a hurry, here’s your quick brush-up blow-by-blow diagram:

Here’s a breakdown of the quantum computer from separate hardware components.

Problems and Future

Right now, superconducting quantum systems and their numerous iterations are working great! However, with companies like D-Wave scaling this tech to a consumer audience, and many other companies looking to make quantum supremacy a holistic milestone, we’re looking to more efficient materials to prevent quantum decoherence. Researchers are proposing topological superconductors as such a solution.

Superconductors in themselves also have limiting potential, but more efficient superconductors and better materials are promising in mitigating this:

  • Limited absolute thermoregulation/low critical temperature {it’s very likely that quantum decoherence may not even be a problem if quantum computers could completely reach absolute zero, but the need for use of the current superconductors makes this difficult. In addition, the process is very energy intensive and super expensive, so more sustainable measures are necessary}
  • Limited Malleability {Unlike many ductile metals, superconductors tend to be extremely rigid and brittle, so extremely noncompliant, making manufacturing, mass producing, and integration difficult. They are not shaped easily, making the process more time-wasting and expensive.}
  • Chemical Instability {This risk is heavily mitigated through bond and interaction testing, but there are still possibilities for radioactivity response from superconductors, which can also combust or decompose on certain occasions; extremely dangerous in high energy devices!!!}

Overall, the field of quantum hardware is super exciting! What will we do with it next? What fields can it be applied to? Check out my in-depth article for more information:

and with that, Congratulations!


your first quantum computer has been “built”!

But honestly, where will this technology go? Stay tuned for my next research article to find out novel applications and intuition behind the hardware!

My name is Okezue Bell, and I’m a 14 y/o innovator/entrepreneur in the quantum computing and AI spaces. I’m also currently making developments in foodtech and cellular agriculture, as well as biocomputing! Contact me more:

🔗 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/okezue-a-...

💻 Personal Website: https://okezuebell.com



Okezue Bell
The Startup

Social technologist with a passion for journalism and community outreach.