Making Cancel-able HTTP Requests with JavaScript Fetch API

John Au-Yeung
The Startup
Published in
3 min readMay 2, 2020


Photo by Isabela Kronemberger on Unsplash

The Fetch API is a big step forward from the old XMLHttpRequest object for making HTTP requests. Now it’s even better with the addition of the AbortController , which lets us make cancelable HTTP requests, which isn’t possible before.

In this article, we’ll look at how to combine the Fetch API with the new AbortController to create cancelable HTTP requests.

AbortController and Fetch

We can use the AbortController to create cancellable HTTP requests. To do this, we create a new AbortController using the AbortController.AbortController() constructor. Then communication with the DOM is done using the AbortSignal object.

Then using the AbortController.signal property we can get the reference to the AbortSignal object, which can be passed into the fetch function to abort an HTTP request.

For instance, we can make a GET request to download a video that can be called by writing the following code. First we create buttons for initiating the request and canceling the request when clicked as follows:

<button class='download'>
<button class='abort'>

Then we can make our cancelable request as follows:

const controller = new…

