Artificial Intelligence Applications

Making Stem Cells Using AI

Cellular Automata and their Implications

Okezue Bell
The Startup
Published in
14 min readJan 14, 2021


For the past months, my research has been really focused on alternative protein, and the future of production, from eggs to silk.

No, they’re not actually in chronological order or even in the right months 😬

In looking at all of these different applications, I continuously wonder, why are we not integrating biology into AI? I don’t just mean observing or amplifying biology using artificial intelligence, but also structuring AI after biological phenomenon!

A great example of this is a genetic algorithm. They simulate gene pools and evolution to solve optimization problems. Basically, they use survival of the fittest to find what the best possible answer to a question is! If you want a more technical understanding of what a genetic algorithm is, I wrote short research paper on it that you should definitely check out!

However, today, we’re not going to be talking about genetic algorithms or evolutions, but rather an algorithmic network that’s completely different!

But first, we need to understand the concept itself.

Cellular Regeneration

Take Sam the Salamander:



Okezue Bell
The Startup

Social technologist with a passion for journalism and community outreach.