Man Is The Only Creature Who Refuses To Be What He Is

Michael Davis
The Startup
Published in
4 min readOct 7, 2019


Luckily, Technology Is Here To Save Us From Ourselves.

Is it really though?

In drawing attention to his words of wisdom, the 1913 French-born philosopher Albert Camus wasn’t too far off. Even for a guy who never zoomed in holding an iPhone’s camera for an Instagram-bound piece of pecan pie.

Perhaps he was just saying that we as humans, despite all attempts to simply be present, continually believe what others expect us to be rather than what we really are. Perhaps our urge to fit in or be accepted by the social norm dominates our willingness to simply be present. Then again, this quote could easily be about the rebellion against our own better human instincts in spite of the absurdity of things. In fact, other than the creation of the first New York Times crossword puzzle, a few notable tech inventions truly dominated the social tech scene during 1913, that to this day, have increased the wow factor of our times. Did someone mention Formica? Oh, my.

Then, steps in modern technology.

In many ways, we’ve come to a new understanding in how this modern social technology movement has shifted our behavior towards it. Very much the same way the television market cornered the shaping and molding in how many us perceived not…



Michael Davis
The Startup

CEO of Merek Security Solutions ( Tech storyteller, data privacy and mindfulness enthusiast, and in love with all forms of creativity.