Many Online Writers I Know Are Fed the Dope of Daily Writing. So, Was, I.

When a clogged nose disrupted my daily word-spitting routine

Aldric Chen
The Startup


A young lady covering her nose.
Clogged nose. Photo by Spencer Backman on Unsplash

I’m not immune to health issues. You, too.

My clogged nose has tormented me for days. I couldn’t breathe properly.

I couldn’t appreciate the aroma of the bowl of curry chicken in front of me. I almost died from running because my lungs couldn’t expand wide enough.

These are real issues.

And… of course. I struggled with work at work. I sounded sexy and deep during prospect pitches. My emails had missing words, sentences got too long, comma droughts were rampant, and Grammarly kept spanking my arse.

Writing? Bah! Strugglefest.

The dope of consistency

Writing is a skill.

We spent time learning to write better, polishing our work shinier, and pruning it to become bonsai-grade art. To me, writing is an art form. We seek to write better, and this annoying journey never ends.

There is always something new to learn, something to improve.

I read a lot from top online writers. They always have something new to offer. A new headline structure, a new hook, a new way…



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