Marcus Aurelius on Stoicism and Leadership

Five Stoic Lessons Marcus Learned From Emperor Antoninus Pius

Donald J. Robertson
The Startup
Published in
10 min readJun 27, 2019


The Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius was the most famous proponent of the ancient philosophy known as Stoicism. He was also one of the most powerful leaders in European history, assuming control of the Roman empire aged 39, during the height of its power.

This article explores the five key leadership qualities that Marcus talks about admiring:

  1. Develop your character
  2. Be hardworking and conscientious
  3. Don’t over-value praise
  4. Don’t be afraid of criticism
  5. Be content to live simply

Marcus’ own reign as emperor was notoriously challenging. After a period of exceptional peace and stability during the reign of his adoptive father, Emperor Antoninus Pius, Marcus faced a series of disasters. Shortly after he was acclaimed emperor, the River Tiber suffered one of its most severe floods ever, destroying homes and livestock, which led to a famine at Rome. Around this time, the Parthians invaded Armenia, a Roman ally, instigating a war in the east that would last five years.

Rome’s eventual victory in the Parthian War was soured when returning legionaries spread a deadly virus…



Donald J. Robertson
The Startup

Cognitive psychotherapist, author of How to Think Like a Roman Emperor. Sign up for my new Substack newsletter: