Marketer’s Toolkit

Marketing is a craft and you need to be armed with the best possible tools to accomplish your goals

Christina Garnett
The Startup


Background Photo by Daniel Korpai on Unsplash

Whether you are a marketing team of one or a part of a larger team, you have multiple demands on your shoulders. You have to not only keep up, but stay up-to-date with platform changes, new features, and more. Here is my list of what myself and fellow marketers use. Those included on the list are in no particular order.

Don’t see your favorite program/tool/website/account? Leave me a comment and let me take a look. This list should evolve and grow as we continue to showcase the options available to marketers.

I hope you find this toolkit informative and helpful as you continue to grow and thrive as a marketer.



  • Hubspot Academy: Inbound, Content Marketing, Social Media, Marketing Software, Growth Drive Design, Email Marketing, Contextual Marketing
  • Trailhead: Administrator, Advanced Administrator, Marketing Cloud Administrator
  • Google: Ads, Analytics, Marketing Platform, Google My Business, Waze
  • Hootsuite: Social Media Marketing, Hootsuite Platform, Advanced Social Advertising, Social Media ROI and Value Analysis…



Christina Garnett
The Startup

Community Builder + Advocacy Strategist | Social Listening Analyst | Featured in The Startup, Better Marketing, and Digital Vault, and The Next Web