Master Art of NLP Using NLTK in Python to Begin Your Journey as Data Scientist

Data Processing using NLTK in Python and Visualizing the Same using WordCloud

Laxman Singh
The Startup


NLP stands for Natural Language Processing. As name suggests, it deals with text as input and has the ability to extract meaning out of given text like human. Two decades ago, it could be a challenge to get the data and scarcity of data to train the model did not bring success to NLP. Now, world has moved so fast that getting data is very easy specially in text format, the challenge is to handle huge amount of data and interpret the data in the most appropriate manner to Problem Statement. There is huge amount of data travelling on daily basis in social media and I don’t want to bring counts here to become redundant in providing info. Everybody knows it is very huge amount.
To handle this, we have python, machine learning and NLP to read raw data to provide it to ML model.

Use cases are: Topic modeling, Text categorisation, Translation / Conversion from one language to another, chatbots, Text summarization, text suggestions / auto completion, identifying fraud and Sentiment analysis etc

Text Categorization / Classification

Text classification deals majorly with unstructured text. And, it is process of extracting tags from the provided dataset. In simple, it is kind of NLP where predefined / known text categories are assigned…



Laxman Singh
The Startup

Machine Learning Engineer | Data Science | MTECH NUS, Singapore