Three Reasons Women Avoid Tough Conversations

Alessandra Wall Ph.D
The Startup
Published in
6 min readJul 1, 2019


How many complex situations do you navigate every day? One, four, 14? Whether it’s convincing your reluctant preteen to take a shower without shaming him for his noxious aroma, sharing a poor performance review with an employee, or pitching a radically new idea to a client who doesn’t like change, difficult conversations are an unavoidable part of the adult human experience.

And yet, for many women, the thought of assertively addressing tough topics rates somewhere between mildly distressing and downright terrifying. Unfortunately, avoiding difficult conversations is not a viable option for most adults. This is especially true for professional women for whom choosing to steer away from uncomfortable subjects can lead to missed career opportunities, loss of income, poor relationships and crippling anxiety that can land them on the proverbial therapist’s couch.

Three Big Reasons Difficult Conversations Are So Difficult For Women

“[…] women are quite capable of speaking assertively, forcefully and even aggressively they have to.”

By their very nature, difficult conversations are uncomfortable, but for women, discussions that are potentially charged can feel especially challenging



Alessandra Wall Ph.D
The Startup

Bridging the gap, one conversation at a time. Psychologist, speaker, feminist encouraging civil conversations for more a civil world.