Mastering the Art of Writing Alongside Your Day Job

Without giving up your life

Eve Arnold
The Startup


Photo by Alex Mihai C on Unsplash

Back in 2021, I came across a concept I’d never heard of before.

Oliver Burkeman, said, quite simply, that you and I are trying to do too much. That it is our pursuit to juggle that is leading us to get hit in the face.

Trying to be a runner, top-tier mother, stellar best friend, sibling, partner and then pursuing your dreams and eating healthy whilst reading two chapters of a good book each night is well, making your life less fun.

Sometimes the simplest lessons are the hardest to hear

For some reason, someone calling out the obvious and saying ‘stop being silly, you’ll never get all that done’ felt, well, good. I remember sitting in my car on the M42, thinking ‘oh yeah, course’.

It was as close to a light bulb moment as I’ve ever had. I thought back to my to-do list for that day and my goals for that year and realised that I was consistently over-egging the pudding. There was simply no way I’d get around to all the things on my to-do list.

The only thing it was doing was killing my motivation.

Here’s how I changed things.

Giving up on trying to be everything

