Maybe Nike Was Wrong?

Kierstyn Lauren
The Startup
Published in
3 min readJan 10, 2020

You know that Nike saying, “Just Do It”? Great motto, big fan of taking action. But, I personally believe there comes a time when you should say, “I don’t want to do it,” or “this isn’t really for me.”

We live in a world that’s more connected than ever before (thank you social media!) but because of this connection, we’re constantly privy to what people around us are doing. Before we know it, we’re in a downward spiral thinking we have to be doing everything they are doing even if it doesn’t feel right.

“Did you see Sam’s Instagram? They’re writing a new book. Maybe I should write a new book?”

“Matt’s going to the gym 7 days a week. I want to go to the gym every day too.”

“Emma just started a new business with Arbonne. Maybe I should give the world of MLM a try?”

Don’t get me wrong. Being inspired by others is amazing and it’s one of the benefits of having social media at our finger tips. But…

It’s one thing to be inspired. It’s another thing to want to do something simply because someone else is doing it.

Have you ever felt like you *should* be doing something because you see someone else in your industry doing it? Have you ever tried to do something simply because you thought you had to even though you knew you wouldn’t like it?

I’m talking about the thought you have to start a podcast even though you don’t like podcasts, or to start a book when the thought of writing it dreads you. I’m talking about setting unrealistic goals for yourself based on where other people are in their lives instead of where you are.

They are not you. You are not them.

You might see someone that’s writing a book. It might be their third time trying.

You might see someone that goes to the gym every single day. They might have been going to the gym for 8 years and struggled when they started.

You might see someone that has 3k Instagram followers. It might have taken them years on years to get there (if they didn’t pay for them that is… *eye roll*)

So, if you’re thinking of trying something new, I invite you to ask yourself a few questions:

  1. What is this thing I want to try?
  2. Why do I want to give it a try?
  3. Is this something I’m genuinely interested in or do I only want to do this because so-and-so is doing it?
  4. Do I feel obligated to do this because so-and-so is doing it?
  5. If I did this, how would my life change?

I’m a big fan of taking action. However, I’ve been influenced by what other people are doing and even convinced myself that I need to be doing what other’s are to be successful.

If you don’t like podcasts… don’t start a podcast.

If the gym isn’t your jam… try yoga.

If you hate writing… stop trying to write a book.

It’s time you get really self aware and recognize when you’re doing something because you genuinely want to or if you’re simply doing it because you want to be like everyone else.

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Kierstyn Lauren
The Startup

Digital Strategist + Brand Builder | Writing about self-awareness, relationships, entrepreneurship and a lot of other things.