Medium Is Building a Monetized Alternative to Twitter

How writers can leverage new shortform posts

Thomas Smith
The Startup


Photo by Sara Kurfeß on Unsplash

If you got paid $0.50 to $1.00 (or more) for every Tweet you wrote, would you use Twitter more often? Most content creators would almost certainly answer with an emphatic “Yes!”

As part of recent sweeping changes to the platform, Medium has rolled out new options for shortform posts. Michelle Legro covers these in detail in a new post on the Medium Creator Hub.

Medium’s shortform options essentially serve as a members-only, monetized version of Twitter.

Writers on Medium (especially those with a following) can use shortform posts to perform many of the same functions as a Tweet, while potentially getting paid for their posts through Medium’s Partner Program — or taking advantage of expanded reach through Medium curation functions and their existing Medium audience.

Here’s how Medium writers can leverage the platform’s new shortform writing functions to grow their reach, create more content and earn more.

