Meta-thoughts on the Microsoft Office vs Google Docs debate

Dalan Mendonca
The Startup
Published in
10 min readApr 23, 2020


A clash of universes | “Marvel vs DC” by Teo Gonzalez

Every few months I’ll end up in a classic product debate: Hey! Which do you think is better? Microsoft Office or Google Docs. The thoughts below aren’t about the debate per se but some facets of the industry surrounding it. Some broad themes we’ll cover — what triggers these debates, how product teams think and what systemic incentives drive them.

Two notes. First, I’m fully aware that the actual name for Google’s productivity tools is “G-suite”, but most people I know refer to the whole set of tools as “Google Docs”, so I’m going to stick with that. Second, I call this the Office vs Google Docs comparison, but I primarily look at Word & Google Docs, the word processors which I use most. You can find parallel comparisons for other types of product.

Bye objectivity, hello Politics

Whenever this question pops up, an outpouring of passionate opinions and heated conversations will spring forth. There are clear camps on this topic with zealots on both sides. These products are so deeply embedded in the workplace with years of built-up muscle memory and blind spots, that it is difficult for most people to see these products objectively. The discussion veers like a religious or political debate, where “after long and careful consideration” people conclude that their side is the…



Dalan Mendonca
The Startup

Product Manager by day, Writer by night · Recovering Nihilist · ❤️ Books, Running, Humour, Philosophy, Elegance ·