Mobile Data Visualization Design

Design considerations for mobile form factors and devices

Thomas Gonzalez — BrightPoint Consulting
The Startup


Example reference application- click here to see an interactive version

Almost three quarters of internet users will be mobile-only by 2025 — World Advertising Research Center

In its January 2019 report, The World Advertising Research Center predicts that 72% of the world internet users will be will mobile only by 2025. ComScore, a leading technology media analytics company, says that users total activity on smartphones and tablets accounts for an outstanding 60 percent of digital media time in the US, already surpassing the desktop. It is clear that mobile devices are becoming the primary way that users interact with digital content. What was traditionally performed on the desktop (email, calendars, web browsing, etc.) is now being performed on mobile devices. Each day more and more sophisticated tasks are being performed on mobile devices. What does this have to do with data visualization one might ask? A lot.

Data visualization has been around for centuries, since 1786 when the Scottish engineer and economist William Playfair published the first set of charts examining British Trade and debt from 1700–1782. From that time, until the invention of computers, the primary medium for data visualization was paper and ink. With the introduction of computer display monitors, a new way for humans to view and interact…



Thomas Gonzalez — BrightPoint Consulting
The Startup

Helping clients make amazing products with Data Visualization Design and Development. Managing Director at @twgonzalez