Money Is Not the Goal, Time Is: 5 Ways to Earn Money While You Sleep

Passive incomes can be possible as long as you know how to do it.

Desiree Peralta
The Startup


Photo by YURI MANEI from Pexels

Let’s be honest; multiple income streams don’t make sense if you have to work on them every day anyway.

Having a lot of earnings by working extra gives you the false belief that you are accomplishing something with your life when the only thing you are achieving is tiring yourself more unnecessarily.

For this reason, every time a friend tells me that he is happy being “his own boss” while working more than twelve hours a day on multiple projects in order to reach a certain amount of money, I always say the same thing: It is better that you look for a full-time job that pays you a fixed amount than a lot of small incomes.

And the reason is self-evident: There is not a high amount of money that it is worth sacrificing most of your time. If you have to work a lot to achieve a certain lifestyle, then you are working on the wrong things.

But don’t get me wrong, I don’t want you to think that easy money exists.

The problem is that people confuse working hard with working a lot. With the first, you work smart, and you know when it is worth putting effort into something. With the second, you know that…



Desiree Peralta
The Startup

Turning ideas into reality. Programmer by profession, Writer by passion. Finance and business advice. | Weekly money advice