Monolithic versus microservices, and all in between

Demystifying the blue versus red pill dilemma

Anthony Figueroa
The Startup
Published in
8 min readAug 3, 2019


Developers often decide whether to build monolithic or microservices architectures based on personal preference. This article tells you how to design the best platform for your client by considering both methods.

Monolithic all-connected platforms might serve a startup’s needs, but they often have problems with scaling to support growth. Architectures built with modular microservices work well for bigger enterprises, but they might be overengineered to require more resources than a startup can spare. This article explains how to incorporate both these build approaches to design a functional strategy from the start that evolves to fit each point in a project’s lifecycle.

This topic fosters all kinds of discussions. For some reason, both the microservice and the monolithic approaches generate fanatical devotees. Meaningless discussions without solid arguments often happen when designers have strong feelings about the architecture method they prefer.

Problems that kill business

To be clear, monolithic architectures are great. And so are microservices. But each approach serves a specific purpose at a specific point in the timeline of a project. Problems arise when…



Anthony Figueroa
The Startup

CTO at Rootstrap. I lead tech strategy of a top digital product agency, applying agile methodologies and experience. Passionate about solving complex problems.