Moving Beyond Copy Paste Coding

Or how not to Stack Overflow your way through your career

The Startup


When is a developer considered a senior developer? I asked this of a friend a few weeks ago when a related topic bubbled up on Twitter.

His answer was surprising:

“You become a senior developer when you use Stack Overflow and stop caring about it.”

I remember when I was first picking up Ruby on Rails, I was regularly on Stack Overflow. A year later and I was still using Stack Overflow every day. I was looking up some of the same dumb syntax stuff I could not remember, but I was also looking up more complex questions. I guess you can consider that progress.

All of our purposes really boil down to copying and pasting…
All of our purposes really boil down to copying and pasting…

It has been over a year since I was with Stack Overflow leading the APAC region. Now I am with AWS working with startups in the same part of the world. In fact, one of the people I work with on the Developer Advocate team is a top user on Stack Overflow. How did he become a 0.01% user? By answering “amazon-web-services” questions, and with over 106K questions under that tag, there are plenty of opportunities to gain…



The Startup

Thoughts on developers, digital transformation, startups, community building & engineering culture. Author is Mark Birch @ AWS 👉