MX Linux and Blender Crash

One possible solution

Shawn Grover
The Startup


Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

I recently updated my Intel NUC (model NUC6i7KYK) to run MX Linux instead of the original Debian install I had on the box. Everything is running great out of the box. Except Blender. Finding out why took a bit of sleuthing.

Short form — firing up Blender with the INTEL_DEBUG=reemit environment variable *may* clean up the crashes.

Every other box/laptop I have is running MX Linux already, and only my desktop — the Intel NUC — was still running Debian. I had just picked up a 1TB M.2 drive for that box to replace the two smaller drives (120GB and 250GB). So I was doing a re-install anyway — may as well match up everything to the same distro then.

I’m using Blender to create and tweak models for 3D Printing. Under Debian Blender just worked. Although I opted for the download/standalone version rather than installing through the APT package manager. This allowed me to use a more recent version of Blender.

The trouble started after installing MX Linux and setting up blender in the same download/standalone manner. Blender would work for a bit and then just stop. And when it stopped it took out the KDE desktop with it. The screen would just flicker. I would switch out to terminal #1 (by double tapping ctrl-alt-F1), login, and then kill the Blender process via a sudo

