My Best Blog Post Made $850.47 So Far. I Wrote It In 2 Hours.

Exploring the changing economics of WordPress blogs

Jon Middaugh
The Startup


Photo by Luke Dean-Weymark on Unsplash

Calculating the money-making potential of blogging comes down to averages: average views per post, average earnings per view, average lifespan of a post.

It’s the outliers that bring up the averages and make blogging worth it.

Let’s explore the earnings from my programming blog. Feel free to take a look at my all-time highest earning post: Material-UI makeStyles, useStyles, createStyles, and withStyles Explained

The Numbers Behind My Best Post

We’ll examine the numbers shortly, but first some backstory:

I stumbled onto blogging about Material-UI (now MUI) at the onset of the pandemic in Spring 2020. The docs were pretty good, but sometimes simple things were hard to figure out. I was scared about my job security, so I started a side project.

My first good technical post was about changing the border color on an MUI TextField. After seeing this post bring in traffic, I focused on MUI and targeted keywords with little competition.

The best combination is high traffic keywords with few other articles on the internet covering the topic. Everyone using MUI (v4…



Jon Middaugh
The Startup

I have been: individual contributor | tech lead | manager | JS boot camp teacher | community college instructor.