My biggest struggle as a Female Digital Entrepreneur

Sinem Günel
The Startup
Published in
5 min readNov 23, 2018


Is there actually a difference between being a real entrepreneur and being a digital entrepreneur?

I would consider myself as a digital entrepreneur (and also as an infopreneur).

If you want to read details about my journey and my life, you will find many articles on my Medium profile, or you can simply check this one:

In short: I am doing business online. And I am aiming to be really successful doing it.

In fact, I am crazy about education and personal development — to be precise about informal education because I hate the worldwide formal education system.

And I am convinced that if you don’t like something, you should go out there and do something about it — try to make a change, even if it is a super small change.

That’s what I am doing.

I am trying to educate young people, trying to teach them crucial skills that are needed to succeed in the future.

Now, there are two parts of my business:

1️⃣ Together with my boy Philip Hofmacher, I am organizing and hosting workshops. We are selling and hosting 7-hour workshops on weekends for young, motivated people who want to become their own best version.

2️⃣ We are building an online academy and creating video courses. Why? — Because that’s the only way how we can scale our business up.

While we currently actually make the most money with our workshops, I would still consider myself a digital entrepreneur — because it is my vision to be 100% independent (or rather only dependent on my laptop and internet connection).

Besides our own digital academy, I am also selling video courses on platforms like Udemy and Skillshare. And as you can see — I am blogging on Medium.

So, obviously, I am trying to establish several different income streams while aiming for one thing: educating people and helping them to grow.


Because I want to be fucking independent, do work that I LOVE and provide great value for as many people as possible.

I guess I should not be talking about entrepreneurship per se — as my journey just started and there are people out there who can tell you a lot more about the founding and scaling businesses and about the pros and cons — but I want to share something related to it.

The consumption vs. creation ratio

Content consumption vs. creation

Last week I saw a graphic which was similar to this one and simply indicated how much time a digital CEO should be dedicated to content consumption vs. creation. I guess my version is a bit more extreme than the one that I saw but the message is clear: as a digital entrepreneur you have to make sure that most of your time consists of creation instead of consumption. And I must admit that this is harder than it might sound. Every day I come across tons of really great content which I want to properly save to come back to it later. For example, I subscribe to lots of newsletters and receive tons of free pdf downloads which I love because I always think that I get delivered value which I can use for my own blog postings, videos or workshops. But the problem is that this information has no end. I could scroll through the internet for decades and would still find content that seems awesome and really necessary.

But it is not. At least in most cases.

In most cases, creating something (doing your business) will benefit you more than consuming great content from others. Sure you have to be on track and get new insights but I am aware that one must really limit that consumption. I am constantly consuming new content but I guess right now I could sit down and write 100 articles with the content that is already in my head.

Bottom Line

🚀 If you want to be a content creator, especially a digital content creator, you have to be aware of how you distribute your time. Does media consumption count as work because you get inspired and new ideas or is it actually distraction?

That’s something everyone has to find out for himself — which is not that easy in my opinion.

Are you a content creator?

How are you dealing with this struggle? Are you deliberately limiting your consumption time?

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Sinem Günel
The Startup

I help you create a business and life you love. ⚡ Start here: