My Favorite Pieces of Syntax in 8 Different Programming Languages

Because Criticizing Is Too Easy…

Yakko Majuri
The Startup
Published in
5 min readJul 16, 2020


We love to criticize programming languages.

We also love to quote Bjarne Stroustrup:

“There are only two kinds of languages: the ones people complain about and the ones nobody uses.”

So today I decided to flip things around and talk about pieces of syntax that I appreciate in some of the various programming languages I have used.

This is by no means an objective compilation and is meant to be a fun quick read.

I must also note that I’m far from proficient in most of these languages. Focusing on that many languages would probably be very counter-productive.

Nevertheless, I’ve at least dabbled with all of them. And so, here’s my list:

List Comprehension

def squares(limit):
return [num*num for num in range(0, limit)]



Yakko Majuri
The Startup

Programmer, writer, traveler, hitchhiker, climber, photographer. i.e. lost. (P.S. amateur at most of the above) //