My First Client Almost Ruined Me & My Business

Two days ago, I stopped working for one of my clients.

Charles Tumiotto Jackson
The Startup


Firing a client is no big deal, right? It happens all the time in a freelancer’s life. But this one was hard to get away from.

He was my first client.

Two years ago, when I started freelancing, a friend gave me his business card saying that this business owner was looking for someone just like me. After a couple of phone calls and after meeting him once, I was hired.

When he asked for my rates, I remember panicking, looking away, almost shaking while revealing how much I was charging. When it’s your first time, it’s hard. And I definitely didn’t feel confident asking for this much money.

Despite my poor business skills back then, he accepted. Until two days ago, he was the client I was charging the most, responsible of around 40% of my income.

But it was more than juste the money. This client trusted me when I started, his associate was paying on time, he didn’t negotiate my rates, and he seemed to know a lot of people in Paris — where I was working. Getting this client gave me the giant boost of confidence that I needed to get more clients and to thrive as a freelance marketer. But quickly after being hired, everything started collapsing.



Charles Tumiotto Jackson
The Startup

Content Marketer, willing to put the “social” back in Social Media. Let's talk about Social Media Marketing →