My First Week as an Internee at a Data Science Startup.

What my first week as an internee taught me about the field.

The Startup


Photo by Studio Republic on Unsplash

There is no better teacher than experience. No matter how many stories a person hears or how many different scenarios they think about, He/She will find no substitute for real life experience
My romance with Data Science is no different.

Before ACTUALLY working for a company on real-life projects, My experience and understanding of Data Science were confined to “neat and clean” academic Datasets from Kaggle or hour-long tutorials on Youtube.

Getting close to 78 percent accuracy on the Titanic Dataset gave me that false confidence that I was a soon to be “hot commodity” in the field and don’t get me wrong here.

Only the top 5 percent of the people who have participated in the Titanic Dataset has scored more than 80 percent and that is a massive feat but It’s only the beginning.

So here are the five things I learned in my first week as an internee

  1. Real Life Data is going to humble you
Photo by Carlos Muza on Unsplash

