My Freebie Got 423 Downloads in 7 Days. No, I Don’t Have Lots of Followers.

Here’s how to make people download your lead magnet.

Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi
The Startup


Are you chasing passive income? Do you want to build an online business? Do you have an offering that can solve issues? If your answer is yes to any of this, you need to have a freebie.

Or a lead magnet, as marketers call it.

Personally, I don’t have a freebie to ‘build a business’ or something. I just believe that if I give a lot for free, people will pay for the little that I offer at a price tag. And for good karma.

Think of it as a trial before you spend big bucks to buy.

The trial affects your experience, your buying decision.

Similarly, a freebie is giving value for free (duh) so if you want to charge for it, people can trust you and buy your products/ services. Your freebie can be anything:

  • an email course
  • ebook
  • video course
  • sample training manual

And whatever you can think of that can benefit others.

I’ve had an ebook as a freebie earlier (which also got an insane amount of downloads). But this one was different.

