My Journey on the UI Design Patterns in the iOS World

Here’s my way across verious design patterns to my current shelter

Nikita Lazarev-Zubov
The Startup


There are a lot of posts about how to implement one design pattern or another. I’d like to clarify immediately that it’s not one of them. This post doesn’t explain patterns, but instead, requires reader to have some basic knowledge about them.

What I’m talking about here is my way across various design patterns to my current shelter. And the trip begins with a rather infamous one.

Photo by Anna Lazareva-Zubova

Model-View-Controller (MVC)

The image is taken from the Wikipedia’s page about Model–view–controller

As the most of iOS developers, I started my journey in MVC. Everything seemed limitless at first. Apple was providing me with code snippets and class blanks. But the sun hid behind the clouds very soon, right after I needed to switch the UI and wanted to unit test the presentation logic.

The pattern has been known since the 1970s and origins from the Smalltalk world. I can’t say that the pattern is bad. The main problem is the way Apple separated Controller and View layers (or rather, didn’t). How many times have you seen the UI configuration inside…



Nikita Lazarev-Zubov
The Startup

Swift and general programming topics, Agile software development, soft skills