My Life Has Been Derailed by my Health. I Want to Get it Back.

But everything feels so slow.

Grace Moore
The Startup


How I’ve spent the better part of three months, except less artfully. Photo by Yuris Alhumaydy on Unsplash

The headache started on a Friday night.

It was different from my usual headaches. More sudden, for one, and spread out from in front of my right ear to the back of my skull, when I typically get migraines centered over my eyes. Being an anxious person, I immediately assumed the worst, but the pain wasn’t bad enough for me to truly believe something was Really Wrong. I took some ibuprofen and went to bed.

The pain was still there the next day, and the next. I went to the doctor, then I went to the doctor again. New symptoms started to emerge: the right side of my face felt a little numb. I was getting more headaches all over my head. My neck and shoulders hurt.

Theories were thrown around: Your ear is too clogged with wax, and it’s causing a headache; your Eustachian tubes are blocked, that’s what’s making your face numb; maybe you have a specific kind of migraine, try this medication.

Nothing worked and no diagnosis felt right.

Then I started getting pain on my left side too, in the same area, in front of my ear. My headaches were daily and often got in the way of functioning normally.



Grace Moore
The Startup

Learning to do this writer thing and sharing as I go. Poetry, CNF, mental health, and too many other interests. Support: