My Personal Digital Transformation

Smartphone addiction, burnout, and balance

Erwin Lima
The Startup


When do we start focusing on the digital transformation that is going on in the lives of each of us, individually? When did any of us make a conscious choice about how we want digital tech to add to our lives? A story about smartphone addiction, maximizing human potential and releasing a new book from a state of near-burnout.

My name is Erwin, and I am addicted to my smartphone.

And I’m climbing out of a state of near-burnout. Let’s figure out what the two have to do with each other exactly, and what that could mean for you.

I have been going through a very personal digital transformation. And I think in a sense we all are. Meanwhile, the world is talking about “digital transformation” as something that happens to us, which is driven by tech companies and IT departments. But what about the digital transformation that is going on in the life of every individual human on the planet right now?

Has tech been creeping up on us?

Tech seeped into our lives almost like a silent virus over the course of the last four or five decades. And it is changing us. For better or for worse.



Erwin Lima
The Startup

Exploring and maximising human potential. I write about tech, marketing, writing, love, money, society; life. Find my newest book here: