Every Entrepreneur Should Steal My Daughter’s Trick For Selling More Girl Scout Cookies

It’s a simple strategy that too many entrepreneurs overlook

Aaron Dinin, PhD
The Startup
Published in
4 min readFeb 17, 2022


Image courtesy Artur Bolzhurov via Pexels

When I launched my first startup, I was entirely focused on getting new customers. By that I mean I dedicated all my time and money to finding first-time buyers. Once I’d convinced people to buy, I assumed I’d gotten what I needed from them — i.e. their money — and I moved on to the next customer.

Based on what I’ve just told you, you won’t be surprised to learn my first startup failed. In retrospect, one of the main reasons it failed was my myopic focus on getting new customers. I was so fixated on getting new customer that I didn’t see the bigger opportunity even though the bigger opportunity should have been so obvious a six-year-old could see it.

And I don’t just mean that figuratively. I mean a literal six-year-old. Specifically, my daughter. She’s six years old and selling Girl Scout cookies, and she’s already figured out that the most efficient way to increase revenues isn’t by targeting new customers.

The peril of being a parent during cookie season

When my wife told me she’d registered our oldest daughter for Girl Scouts, I was pleased. I figured my daughter…



Aaron Dinin, PhD
The Startup

I teach entrepreneurship at Duke. Software Engineer. PhD in English. I write about the mistakes entrepreneurs make since I’ve made plenty. More @ aarondinin.com