My Small Website Just Hit a Profit Milestone — Here’s What Happened

My biggest lessons learned on my journey to six figures

Christopher Kokoski
The Startup
Published in
6 min readJun 7, 2021


A man on a laptop holding up a lightbulb for My Small Website Just Hit a Profit Milestone — Here’s What Happened
Image by Author via Canva

I got two emails today that made me do a little happy dance in my bedroom/writing workspace.

Email #1: The first email was from the Passive Income Geek program notifying me that I had made a $74 dollar commission.

Email #2: The second email was from the Ezoic ad platform notifying me that I had made $47.66 in the last 30 days from display ads.

In total, my writing website has made over $100 for the first time ever. I’m super excited to share with you what I’ve learned and how it happened.

Note: None of the links in this article are affiliate links. The links either go to other related articles or to my personal website where you can find more information about the resources I mention.

How It Happened

If you’ve been following my journey, you know that I just started my bold plan to make six figures from content creation in the next three years.

My 12-month goal is to earn $200 per month from my portfolio of websites for display ads, and another $100 per month for affiliate commissions. From today’s two emails, I’m nearly there for my first website.



Christopher Kokoski
The Startup

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