My Top Dev Tools in 2021!

As a developer, I always follow the know your tool (K.Y.T) rule.

Kisan Tamang
The Startup
5 min readOct 18, 2020


Source: Image from Pexels

Developers always should understand the tools they use. With the right tools, you can achieve your job easily and efficiently. In this article, I’ve listed all the tools I use in my daily job.

“ If you know the system well enough you can do things that aren’t supposed to be possible. — Linus Torvalds

1. Ubuntu Linux

Over the last 4 years, I’ve been using Linux as my main operating system. The first distro that I used was Ubuntu 12.04 LTS back in 2012. I’ve tried so many Linux flavors. Kali, Debian, Pirot, Mint, etc. I found Ubuntu a developer-friendly distro packed with so many developer tools. I’ve been using Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS focal as the main OS in my Dell Vostro 5590.

Image: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

2. Vim

I’ve been using vim as my main text editor for about 2 years now. Life becomes much easier when you master vim. When you know its capabilities, or what you can do with it, your work becomes faster. You can find my dotfiles in my Github here.

Image: Vim Editor

3. VSCode

Another text editor that I prefer is VSCode. It is lightweight. One of the cool things about VSCode is you can tweak settings in so many ways and vim can be integrated with VScode. It also comes with an integrated terminal. And there are so many extensions available that makes developers life much easier. Some of my favorite extensions are AWS Toolkit, ESLint, Live Server, Live Share, Prettier — Code formatter, YAML, Live Sass Compiler, Docker, etc.

Image: VSCode

4. Docker

Docker is a set of the platform as service products and it uses OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers.

Docker has gained so much popularity in a short period of time. Containerization has changed the way we ship software and everything is now moving to automation. I use docker almost every day.

Image: Docker Logo

5. Git

If you are in the Software industry you don’t miss git. NEVER.

I use Github and Gitlab for remote code repositories.

Image: Git Logo

6. Postman

I use Postman for API development, request, API debugging. Besides Postman, I also use Insomnia and Insomnia designer for API documentation.

Image: Postman

7. Swagger Editor

The swagger editor helps to design, describe, and document your REST API. The Swagger Editor is an easy way to get started with the OpenAPI Specification. It supports both Open API V2 and V3.

I use a swagger editor in my local machine on a docker container. You can download it from here.

Image: Swagger Editor


As software engineers or developers, we love the visual representation of complex systems that we are going to build. is my go-to tool. And it is free of cost. Awesome.

9. Slack

At work, we use slack every day for communication. Communication is super important in dev jobs. Especially, during this WFH situation, slack is playing a vital role.

Image: Slack Logo

10. Zoom

I use zoom for official meetings, scrum, daily stand-up meetings, and 1–1 meetings.

Image: Zoom Logo

11. ThunderBird

I use thunderbird as my primary email client and meeting schedule.

Image: Thunderbird Logo

12. Discord (Programmer’s Hangout)

I use discord to reach people like me who love technology. One of the best channels I found is Programmer’s Hangout.

Image: Discord

13. Figma

I use Figma for prototyping UI and preparing for website mocks.

Image: Figma Logo

14. Chrome DevTools

Chrome DevTools is a lifesaver for Developers. We can use it for many things such as Performance monitoring, inspecting elements, and more.

Image: Chrome DevTools UI

15. Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook

16. Notion


17. Google Calendar


So these are the top drivers I use every day in my job. Languages, tools, frameworks come and goes. The important thing is to stay up to date with industry-standard tools and using the right tools for the right job.



Kisan Tamang
The Startup

I help startups build on AWS, AWS Solution Architect. Editor at Newsletter: